Programs & Services

Job Match Recruitment Service


Immploy Job Match provides employers across Southwestern Ontario coordinated access to qualified Canadian newcomer talent. We connect employers to a hidden talent pool by linking them to effective tools and resources for recruiting, hiring and retaining skilled immigrants.

Take action today.  Sign-up and let us Immploy your workforce with immigrant talent. Click on the link below to learn why hiring immigrants makes good business sense

Benefits for Employers

  • Helps companies of all sizes access the top talent they need at the right time
  • Drives talent attraction to cities across Southwestern Ontario
  • Strengthens emerging industry sectors with the skills required to sustain future growth
  • Fuels job creation for everyone

Benefits for Job Seekers

  • Learn about employers seeking your skills
  • Increase knowledge of regional labour markets
  • Prepare for interviews and evaluate job offers
  • Access Immploy Job Match Postings

Sign-up for Immploy Job Match and get connected to job opportunities today. 

Share a Job Post

Do you have a job vacancy? Share your hiring needs with us or one of our local recruitment partners and widen your search to include qualified Canadian newcomer talent. You share the posting and we match the candidates. Just leave the sourcing, screening, and short-listing to us.

Benefits of Job Match

Helps companies of all sizes access the top talent they need at the right time
Drives talent attraction to cities across Southwestern Ontario
Strengthens emerging industry sectors with the skills required to sustain future growth
Fuels job creation for everyone
Drives talent attraction to cities across Southwestern Ontario
Strengthens emerging industry sectors with the skills required to sustain future growth

Get coordinated access to qualified Canadian newcomer talent today.

Sign Up Now

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